...never thought much about art history, but was amazed that learning about artists' choices actually inspired me to think more creatively about my own work."

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"   Pablo Picasso

business; his book gets to the heart of what we do and why - and then how we can 'do what we do' more creatively.  Pink's book stresses what he calls "six senses", all of which are ways he urges corporate leaders and individuals to boost open-mindedness, playfulness and creativity.

Corporate Success
    Several years back, Daniel Pink, in his remarkable book A Whole New Mind  linked personal fulfillment and corporate success together.  His insightful explanations of our global economy "Abundance, Asia and Automation" reminds us that our world continues to change.  Pink's insistence on truly "human" qualities as the key to success of every kind offers a  compelling argument. Many books have been written about how to succeed in

Engaging Art History Presentations

Enhanced Education
    There is a growing emphasis on the value of art in education. Project Zero,  a research program which was founded at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education to study and improve education in the arts exemplifies this.  Project Zero's many on-going programs are researching ways to improve and encourage visual learning.  Artful Thinking is just one of their many programs using art as a teaching tool for educators and a source of motivation and increased learning for students.

Rethinking Technology   

    When it comes to the arts, technology is an important part of the picture. Today's devices are vehicles for creative expression - replacing the brush and pallet for many artists. Technology has also made it easier than ever to explore the arts. Peruse any museum website from around the world right in the palm of your hand! The Kennedy Center's extensive website Arts Edge  is an excellent example of this marriage between technology and the arts. Arts Edge is dedicated to creativity in technology and offers countless resources for parents, educators, individuals and corporations. Whether creating art or

Contact: Jill Sanford, Owner, jill@artforyourmind.com

Problem Solving

    Every task, whether it's educational, occupational or part of a daily routine - requires problem solving on some level.  Finding solutions to problems becomes easier for people who are open-minded and willing to consider different paths to get to a desired outcome.  Looking closely at, and thinking deeply about artwork from varied time periods, cultures and places forces new and different comparisons and encourages critical thinking. Additionally, when carefully selected art images are viewed side by side, new challenges arise, requiring the mind to search for further meanings - bringing insightful connections to the surface.

Why Look at Art?

Personal Fulfillment    

   Sports, dance, yoga, meditation, theater, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, video games, music lessons, and learning a foreign language are some of the multitude of activities individuals choose for self-fulfillment.  It's widely believed that having an active body and mind is the cornerstone of good physical and emotional health.  Art observation is an imaginative, self-fulfilling option that many people don't think of. 

Adults often think a specialized degree is necessary to understand and enjoy various kinds of art - it's simply not true. When adults (and children of all ages) are exposed to art observation in a fun, non-threatening way, they're fascinated to find they have no shortage of responses, reactions and interpretations.  When people have an opportunity to react openly to what they see they begin to trust their own instincts more fully - it's empowering.  Additionally, research is showing that as technology takes over more of our jobs and daily activities people are experiencing stronger yearnings for self-fulfillment and creative expression.  It's a basic human need to express one's self - as children we do it instinctively - and Art For Your Mind is that kind of experience.  

Everyone has the capacity to show increased creativity in their thinking and seeing.   Absorbing and making sense of what others have created is a very effective way to bring out your own imaginative thoughts.

Creative Thinking Through Art Observation

searching for creativity, Art For Your Mind presentations serve as powerful reminders of change and innovation over time, providing renewed inspiration for people of today's fast-changing world.

It's Fun!

   Art For Your Mind  presentations encourage participants to try new ways to think about what they see.  Interpreting art becomes relevant, intriguing, enjoyable - and a great way to learn.  "Art for Art's Sake" has very real value. Even those who rarely, if ever, give any thought to art history or art appreciation are surprisingly energized at finding a new avenue for creative thought.  For artists and art enthusiasts, Art For Your Mind is a refreshing reminder of how interesting, enriching and fun it is to challenge your mind by interpreting art.